Hey Friends!
I know it has been awhile. I had to take some time to heal up from a few things. I pray you are well, and that you are not giving up!
I am sure you have heard the phrase, “glass half empty or glass half full?” How do you see yourself? How do you see your circumstances? Half empty or half full? Stuck or unlimited opportunities?
I personally get frustrated when I am stuck. I get even more frustrated when people tell me to give up and there is no other alternatives. I see opportunity where some people see no way out. I guess God wired me this way so that I could keep fighting and overcome. Guess what? He wired you that way too.
This is where we are worldwide. I know many see we are stuck, and that there is no opportunity to grab a hold of viable solutions to take back territory the enemy has stolen. Let’s be honest for a minute. That is what the enemy wants you to believe. Mass programming of this evil agenda has penetrated to multiple areas of society.
There is a better way. Jesus. Every. Single. Time. Do not give up. Do not lose hope. There IS an opportunity out of “the stuck” position.
I want to challenge you to unplug for a few days up to maybe even two weeks from social media. I took a 10 day rest/recharge from social media. I am tired of reading everyone’s complaints and opinions. I want to talk about solutions.
Stay tuned for more updates throughout this week. I am going to be opening up my newsletter from my website again in the next week or so as well.
Thank you for your patience! I still have some openings available for the “Overcomer Seminar” (online) this Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 6 pm if you are interested in attending. Recording will be made available afterwards for those who attended or those who signed up but were un able to join.
Please e-mail me at info@lynz.co if you have any questions.
God bless you and your family!
In Liberty,